Friday, January 14, 2011

A Birth Story

We had to wait a little bit before you came in to this world. On the day after you were supposed to be born (Dec.7), I went in to see Dr. Rolling. She said that since I was no where near having this baby I would have to be induced. So she induced me with a folley balloon and told me to come to the hospital that night. Your Nana and I decided that since we would be a little busy for the next few days we would go out to lunch for one last hurray and to celebrate your coming. We went to Mimi's and then we went home and I took a long nap.

At about 4 o'clock in the afternoon I had my first contraction. I thought it wasn't too bad and I could totally handle this labor thing. I was dead wrong! They came on stronger and stronger. I managed through the pain while Nana made us paninis for dinner. I was not hungry at all, but I new that this would be my last meal for quite awhile. So I ate a little. I had an appointment at the hospital at 8 o'clock that evening. We arrived at the hospital and had to wait a little bit for them to get a room ready for us.
We went to our delivery room and they hooked me up to a lot of machines. They could track your heartbeat and my contractions. They put me on pitocin to move me further along. By the time everything was hooked up, my contractions were about 2 minutes apart. The nurse was very kind and said I could have pain medicine but your dad was a little bit worried it would affect you. So I declined. A few hours later I begged for the pain medicine and I am very glad I did because it made me fall asleep. At about 5 in the morning they decided it was time to break my water. They gave me the epidural first and then broke my water. After the epidural I was on top of the world! I couldn't feel anything I felt great!

At about 7:30 that morning Nana got a phone call from BigE telling us that my Grandpa had died. It was at about the time he had died that your heart rate dropped dramatically. The nurses were worried and had me lay on my side so you would be less stressed. We wanted to think that you and your Great Grandpa got to see each other as you were passing through the veil. It was such a bittersweet moment for us. I took comfort it knowing that I would be able to see my Grandpa again someday and knowing that I would be able to meet you in just a few hours.

I fell asleep for a little bit and when I woke up it seemed like I already needed to push. Earlier that morning I had gotten a new nurse who was so fun and nice. We loved having her help us. She was such a good coach and told me how I needed to push. I pushed through three contractions which only took about five minutes. Dr. Rolling had barely made it into the room and got dressed when you decided to make your debut! You came into this world so graceful-another reason why I think your name suits you perfectly.

They put you on my chest and your eyes were wide open- probably wondering what in the world just happened. Who turned on the lights? Daddy cut the cord and they whisked you over to the incubator to give you your first bath and to weigh, measure and check you out. You were crying so hard that they had to wait to measure your blood pressure. Daddy and Nana were busy taking pictures and sending them to everybody we know.
After everything calmed down, they sent us over to recover in another wing. They were out of normal sized wheelchairs so they had to send me over in a large person wheel chair. We laughed and laughed. That day you had several visitors. My dear friends from our ward Julie and Shadoe came to visit and brought us some goodies to eat. And then my friend Kim, who I used to work with came to visit with her son and brought us a fun blanket. It was so fun to see friends and to chat for a while. You and your daddy slept through the whole thing!

We stayed in the hospital until the next day and then we came home. Your Uncle Chris was in town for a convention. He was glad that he got to see you. The next day Nana and Uncle Chris made there way up to Utah for Grandpa Nielsen's funeral. I was sad to see them leave but I was excited to be a mom! Plus I knew your Nana
would be back in a few days to help out.

You were such a good baby. You slept a lot and were a good eater. Your Daddy and I felt that you are definitely worth the 3 years that we had to wait for you to come. We love you and are so excited be apart your little journey through life.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

She's Here!

We are so excited for our little girl to be here. She was born on December 8th, 2010 at 10:11 am. She weighed a dainty 6 pounds 5 oz and was 19 inches long. She is very alert and only cries when she is hungry. She is such a little lady. We love her to pieces!